© 2015 T. Westermann
Finger stitch to the jugular notch, kick to the testicles
The techniques are extremely fast, consistently and hard to perform!
Initial situation
The aggressor is located in front of the defender
Forehand cut/stitch obliquely from the side
Innerer Unterarmblock (
Uchi uke
); als harter Handkantenschlag (
Tegatana ate
) zum
inneren Handgelenk
des waffenführenden Arms
Finger- oder Handstich (
Yubisaki Ate
) zur
mit der nicht blockenden Hand
Defense techniqueFrontal kick to the testicles
Frontaler Tritt (
Mae geri
) in die
Disarm and make sure the knife
go on distance or ...
... a final
Atemi technique
To ensure the weapon is mandatory!