- Initial situation
- The aggressor is located in front of the defender
- Lateral stick strike with the fore hand to the head
- Protection
- Distance shortening towards the aggressor
- Upper inner forearm block (Uchi uke) to the forearm of the aggressor, alternative with the hand edges
- The blocking hand grips the wrist of the aggressor and ...
- ... stretches the striking arm by a strong pull forwards
- Footpad kick (Sekito Ate, bzw. Mae geri) with the leg non-opposite the striking arm into the armpit of the blocked arm
- Defense techniqueVertical Elbow strike onto the elbow
- Body rotation about 90° to the left in front of the aggressor
- Vertical elbow strike (Otoshi hizi uchi) onto the stretched elbow of the striking arm
CAUTION: fracture of the elbow
- Completion
- Disarm and make sure the stick
- Go on distance or ...
- ... a final Atemi technique
To ensure the weapon is mandatory!