- Initial situation
- Headlock grip from the front;So the aggressor is located in front of the defender and both are looking in the same direction
- Loosen grip
- Tense neck, chin to the chest, Pull up shoulders
- rear elbow strike (Ushiro hizi uchi) to the testicles with the arm next to the aggressor
- The other arm is pushed between the strangling arm and the own throat and ...
- ... is pushed upwards to loosen the grip
- gripping the wrist of the strangling arm
- ... dive through the strangling arm backwards
- Defense technique
Elbow lever, kick to the head
- stretching of the strangling arm by pull with the hand and …
- ... bring the aggressor by a arm stretch lever with his upper body to the front
- Footpad kick (Mae geri) to the head / face of the aggressor
- Completion
- go on distance or ...
- ... bring to the ground and fix, alternative ...
- ... a final Atemi technique