© 2013 T. Westermann
TORI is taking from above with his right hand, the right wrist of UKE, so that his palm is on the inside of UKE's wrist. He practices on the arm of UKE a powerful pull to the right. In this way TORI blocks UKE's arm or elbow in his right groin or on his thigh. At the same time he pushes with his left hand on the right shoulder of UKE, so that it is fixed on the ground. UKE's stretched right arm lies with the outside on TORI's right thigh. TORI exerts pressure with his right hand downwards on the right wrist of UKE , thereby UKE's elbow is leveraged, because it is a fixed point on TORI's thigh.
COMMENT: The same technique can be executed in the same position on the left knee of TORI, but here UKE can evade easier, because the left leg is inclined as a support point.