© 2013 T. Westermann
Dorsum of the foot
- The foot [pes] is the lowest portion of the leg. It consists of a tarsus, the metatarsus and the five free toes. At the midfoot, a distinction between bales, sole, heel, instep and Rist (outer edge). In the feet there are about a quarter of the bones in the human body.
The foot skeleton is by anatomically divided into tarsal bones [Ossa tarsi], metatarsal bones [Ossa metatarsi] and toe bones [Ossa digiti pedis]. That opposite the ankle protruding backwards calcaneus forms the heel.
- Footpad kick (Kagato ate) as a stomping kick (Fumikomi)
- Fracture of the metatarsals
- The impact can be impaired in practice by sturdy footwear such as hiking boots or combat boots