© 2013 T. Westermann
Carotid artery
[Ateria carotis]
- The carotid artery [Ateria carotid], or the Arteria carotis communis is the common carotid artery. Because of its course in the neck it is often also known as carotid artery. In the neck region you can easily feel its pulse. It divides at the carotid bifurcation (at the level of the 4th cervical vertebra) in two branches on the Arteria carotis externa (blood supply of the head) and the Arteria carotis interna (blood supply to the brain).
- Powerlessness due to lack of blood flow to the brain; possibly slowing of the heartbeat; possibly respiratory arrest; late effects
- At strangulations techniques faster onset of action (fainting about 3 seconds); At the defense maybe legally questionable