© 2013 T. Westermann
Lower eye nerve
[Nervus infraorbitalis]
- The lower eyec nerve [Nervus infraorbitalis] draws from the wing-palate-pit below the eye cavity through the hole in the upper jaw to the lower ocular channel of the upper jaw. In lower ocular channel exteds a branch to all teeth of the upper jaw. At the lower eye hole the nerve comes out of the maxillary, where it can be palpated. After emerging from the hole he branched into the skin the entire front and top face.
- Finger pressure or Knuckle strike (Kobushi ate) on the exit of the nerve from the bone area
- At pressure or shock, a massive nerve pain (neuralgia) arises
- When pressure is used an appropriate counter pressure; e.g. with the other hand on the back of the head, will be useful; In case of a shock, beware of injury to yourself