© 2013 T. Westermann

Tomoe jime - circle strangling

UKE comes to the left front in the direction of TORI's right side. Here UKE tends with his upper body forward, TORI swerves to the left.

The right hand of TORI engages the right collar of UKE, at the level of the clavicle, or even further back in the direction of UKE's neck. His free left hand reaches below the heart in UKE's left collar with the thumb up. TORI pulls UKE vigorously, which breaks the balance of UKE. All movements must be performed with a lot of enthusiasm and great rapidity. TORI then ends the strangulation by blocking UKE's throat with his right forearm. While with the left hand is done a strong pull down to the left, the right hand pulls to the right - it occurs a scissors action.

This strangle technique belongs to the area of air choking. The name "circle strangulation" comes from the original version of the technique, where TORI's left hand grasps the left collar of UKE and then performs a circular motion around UKE's head. To finally take the end position described above.