© 2013 T. Westermann

Ushiro jime - rear strangling

UKE is sitting upright on the floor, TORI is behind UKE, with his chest and lower body in close contact with UKE's back. The left knee of TORI is to the left of UKE, at the hip, on the floor. TORI's right foot is flat on the floor next to UKE's right hip, wherein his knee is under the arm to block the UKE.

TORI places his right forearm under the chin of UKE, directly on UKE's trachea. His left forearm is in close contact with UKE's left shoulder blade, wherein his wrist based on UKE's left clavicle (in the neck area).

TORI hooked the bent fingers of his two hands into each other and puts the right cheek next to UKE's left ear. This case he expresses his right shoulder from behind against the right shoulder blade of UKE to block its neck. Now TORI pulls his right elbow backwards, a leverage effect on UKE's trachea occurs. The pivot point form here are the interlocked hands of TORI.

This technique belongs to the area of air choking.