- Initial situation
- The aggressor is located in front of the defender
- Side kick to the lower / upper body
- Protection
- Inner forearm block (Uchi Uke) ) or inner hand edge block (Shuto uchi uke) ...
- ... holding the kicking leg with the blocking hand
- Der Hanbo befindet sich in der nicht blockenden Hand
- Festhalten des tretenden Beins mit der blockenden Hand
- The free hand pushes the end of the Hanbo to the throat area of the aggressor (preferably to the larynx )
- Defense techniqueStrike on the thigh, bring to the ground
- The free hand leads a hammer strike (Kentsui ate) with the lower end of the Hanbo on the thigh
- The mainstay of the aggressor is swept, sicled, spaced out with the opposite leg , so that ...
- ... the aggressor falls to the ground
- Completion