Visitors since October 2013

front; arms inside front; arms outside back; arms inside back; arms outside


Freeing from clinches

This begs the question, for whatever reason, someone is clutching?
From my perspective, there are really only three possibilities but of course, "The exception proves the rule":

  • Immobilization, and attack by another aggressor
  • Sexual harassment (mostly in females)
  • Carryover, kidnapping (usually in weaker persons)

Especially at the first point, it is particularly important that to solve the grip quickly and consistently because the defense chances are reduced to an essence at a reduced range of motion compared to the second attacker.

Clinches can be made from many different positions of the attacker and in various ways:

from front
with enclosed
from behind
with enclosed
from behind
with free
from front
with free

Of course, there are other possible positions (for example from the side), here, however, only the main directions are shown. The freeings from other positions are identical to the presented techniques or according combinable!

front; arms inside front; arms outside back; arms inside back; arms outside
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