Defence on knife attacks
For this reason, types of knives that have a particular weapon character are legally regulated in many countries. This applies especially to the part of the jackknifes. But many acts are perpetrated with normal kitchen knives.
Source: http://de.wikipedia.org
Most knives, and other shock and cutting weapons fall in Germany under the weapons act (WaffG), these are in particular:
- Knives in which the blade is flicked forward (flick knives).
- Knives in which the blade drops forward out of the handle (gravity knife).
- Knives in which the blade is at a right angles to the grip, an can be hold in a fist (fist knife)
- folding knives with a split, swivelling grip (butterfly knives)
Only the fraction of a second and you're dead.
The best defense against weapons is basically de-escalation, or the taking of flight.
The defense techniques shown here are, of course also represent on other objects (e.g. smashed bottles or any objects) on which a high potential for injury, applicable.
Life is too precious to take a risk!
