Defence on stick attacks
The stick is the oldest utensil of mankind and has been used for various purposes. It denotes a first basic concept , is linguistically but often differed in rod and staff.
Since the beginning of time the stick/staff/rod plays the most important role in the evolution of mankind. The upright walking humans first began to use sticks as job aids. They could beat with him fruit from a tree, use it as a crutch and use it to defend against attackers. Depending on the length and cross-section it is classified:
- Stick - massive stick of wood (stick, cudgel, beatings, tree)
- Staff - slender stick of wood (shepherd's staff, walking stick, Force Staff)
- Rod - thin wooden stick (pointing stick, wand, Drumstick, baton)
Source: http://de.wikipedia.org
The stick as a weapon
Are sticks or stick similar items (such as baseball bats, batons, tonfa, etc.) weapons?
The German Weappon act (WaffG) sais, that portable objects which are intended by their nature to eliminate or minimize the attack or defense ability of people, are considered as weapons. These include in particular the so-called cut-and-thrust weapons. So, for example, a walking stick (Helping utility) or the baseball bat (sports equipment) are not designed in its very nature as a weapon and are therefore not under German law as a weapon. This contrasts with, for example, Telescopic batons, tonfa or steel rods.
The aspects mentioned above only describe the legal situation, but these do not mind a potential attacker. So no matter what kind of a stick liked object the attacker uses; the situation for the defender is dangerous, and this has to respond consistently and tough:
- Distance reduction, move to the attacker
- Tough block technique, of the Stickarm
- Consistent shock technique
- Finale Technique; Atemi, Kansetzu, Nage
- Make sure the stick (weapon)
- Secure Set or transport of the aggressor
The distance shortening is of crucial importance - The impact force of the stick is on the pole end the greatest. The risk of serious injury by a hit is thus much lower at the grip area of the stick. During the forward movement parallel takes place a block to the beating arm, followed by a correspondingly hard shock technique to the attacker to distracting him from the final defense technique.
Ensuring the striking instrument (stick) is significant in so far as, after a successful defense of the attack, if necessary, further attackers can take the stick and use it again against the defender.
The presented defense techniques are classified according to manner of slashing: beats from the top or the side, as well as stitches with his stick to the body.
