What is Ju jutsu?
Modern self defence - Ju jutsu
Definition Ju Jutsu:
(by DJJV)
„Ju Jutsu is a modern self-defense and duel sport, which combines or developed in itself elements of different duel sport and self-defense systems. Ju Jutsu is an ever-adapting system that the current situation of violence prevention, self-defense and the duel opens and the latter accepts.“
German Ju Jutsu is a 1969 newly introduced modern, open self-defense system for the practice of everyday life, which constantly adapts to current conditions and requirements as well as classic martial arts in one. It is not considered by the attack, but is mainly based on self-defense techniques.
In 1967, Franz-Josef Greschendorf, Werner Heim, Otto letter, Richard Unterberger, Klaus Munster man and other Dan Grade from the German Dan-College has been commissioned, to compare techniques from Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Karate, Aikido and other martial arts to a new self-defense system.The client was the Interior Ministry, which was looking for an effective, stylish and stylish open comprehensive system of unarmed self-defense for police, customs, judiciary and armed forces. In 1990, the independent umbrella organization "German Ju-Jitsu Federation" was founded, which is independent of the German Judo Federation and the German Dan-College.
In addition to the basic elements of movement forms, falling techniques, defensive techniques, punches, kicks and shocks as well throwing and locking techniques of different forms in Ju Jutsu are represented. In addition, for the Ju Jutsu specially designed holding, pick up, transportation and emergency response techniques. Even the basics of conflict management and assertiveness without the use of physical force will be taught in Ju Jutsu.
In the recent time, not only the attacks become more sophisticated, more diverse, more brutal and more dangerous, but also a significantly higher propensity to violence of the perpetrators and a reckless disregard for the victim are added. Here it is important, to oppose a self-defense system that is easy to learn, can be used by people of any age, sex, and achieves optimal effect.
The basic pillars in Ju-Jitsu are:
- Aikido: Levering and throwing techniques
- Judo: Falling, Throwing and groundtechniques
- Karate: Strikes and kicks
From each of these martial arts for the system best Ju Jutsu techniques were combined. By reforming the examination program in 2000 (DJJV) the above three basic pillars more effective techniques of martial arts such as kick or Thai Boxing, Kali-Arnis-Escrima, Wing Chun, Wrestling, Jiu-Jitsu are addition, etc. have been added. For example, the knife and stick defense was taken to a large extent the Filipino martial arts. The techniques were adapted to the needs of Ju Jutsu and are therefore not necessarily performed exactly as in the "original Budosport" which they originate.
In Ju Jutsu, mean while have established various forms of competition. The most common competition systems are:
- Duo-System
- Fighting-System
- Ne waza
- Form competition
- Allfight
- Random Attack
The diversity within associations and groups is relatively large, accordingly, there is also a myriad of regulations. For details on the types of competitions, refer to the corresponding section "Shiai - Competition"