National Ju jutsu Federations
official federations
A sports association is an association of several clubs or associations of individual sports. In Germany, most sports organizations are technically limited to a respective sport (Sports federation, e.g. German Football Association), whereby the "classic" sports club that offers multiple sports (multi-genre club) can belong to multiple associations. Many organizations have divided their nationwide umbrella organization in regional, state, district and county associations.
In addition to the structure of the trade associations, there are sport across organizations, either those in which professional associations in turn can become a member, for example, the German Sports Federation and its national sports federations or those without subordinate professional associations (such as corporate sports associations). To the duties of the German Sports Federation it belongs, among other things, to prevent the formation of a sport "competing" trade associations (by not recording). Members of sports associations may be both, clubs and other organizations, but rarely are individuals.
Legally, it is at sporting associations mostly to unincorporated associations under § 21 following BGB, which lead the suffix eV.
Source: Wikipedia
In Jiu-Jitsu / Jiu Jitsu sport there are a variety of associations. The associations defineamong others uniform examination regulations for the affiliated clubs. In the competition area appropriate rules and regulations adopted by the associations, which are binding on alignments of tournaments for the participating teams and individuals.
In Germany Ju Jutsu is organized officially by the German umbrella organization German Ju-Jitsu Federation (DJJV) at the German Olympic Sports Confederation (DOSB) . In addition, there are other Jiu-Jitsu associations. However, these are not organized in the German Olympic Sports Confederation and have their own regulations, statutes and examination regulations.
The presented associations have no claim to completeness and have been selected at my discretion, there are of course other associations. The selection does not present a rating.
Here is a selection of some other associations and organizations:
National – Germany |
Outside of Germany: |
