Kansetzu waza - Levering techniques
Neck levering techniques
Cervical vertebra, intervertebral discs, twist, overstretch
By clicking the image you will go to the corresponding technique
The techniques described are intended only to present the corresponding levering technique. The starting position or the application in differentiated attacks is situational and not binding. The techniques shown refer to the judo system of Mikonosuke Kawaishi. See also the section of levering techniques at www.judotechnik.eu
1st Technique: Tate hishigi Vertical bending |
2nd Technique: Kubi hisigi Neck bending |
3rd Technique: Osae hisigi Bending by holding |
4th Technique: Gayaku hisigi Reverse bending |
5th Technique: Kubi tate hishigi Vertical neck bending |