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Kansetzu waza Jime waza

Transport grips

Techniques to transport the attacker

Transport grips belong to the area of control techniques (Katame waza), but are treated separately here because the techniques generally be made in stand; in contrast to the fixing and control techniques. Here the aggressor is fixed in the ground.

Transport techniques are used to take the attacker in safe arrest and to handle him under continuous control or to transportation. Ffollowing basic techniques are possible:

  • Kansetzu waza - Locking techniques
    • Ude kansetzu - Arm locking techniques
    • Te kansetzu - Hand locking techniques
    • Kubi kansetzu - Neck locking techniques
  • Jime waza - Choking techniques

In carrying out the transport techniques is important to make sure that the dissipated attacker is always brought out of balance; e.g. he stands on his tiptoes or severely bent backwards.

At the locking and choking techniques the fixation and control of the aggressor will be done by pain. It should however be noted that persons who stand under the influence of drugs; this includes excessive alcohol consumption, the sensation of pain and the pain threshold is significantly restricted.

Legal basis for fixing an attacker (Germany)

Clinging, fixing or transportation of a person against his will, is a offense of coercing and false imprisonment in Germany and many other countries.

The arrest by private persons (see StPO §127) is allowed only with a legal status. The following aspects may justify the "provisional arrest" by private persons in Germany:

  • The culprit must be "caught red-handed" on
  • In addition, risk of flight must be given
  • During physical aggression the self-defense section BGB §227 and StGB §32 comes into play.
  • Vorschriften der Selbsthilfe BGB §229-231

The fixing or even the transport of a potential aggressor in principle requires an appropriate proportionality in the action of the defender.

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